Have you ever had a habit you didn’t like but just struggled to make the change?

Yes, I think we all have.


This mini box is a visual (light bar), auditory (tones), and haptic (vibration) attunement.

Attunement– to bring into harmony: to make aware or responsive

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You have the ability to create change for your self.

Let us help you get there.

What some of our users say..

“Since incorporating light therapy into my routine, I’ve noticed a substantial improvement in my mental sharpness and emotional balance on the golf course. The therapy has been helpful in reducing my stress and anxiety on the golf course. It’s helped me to approach the game with a more clear focus which is essential for strategic thinking and execution on the golf course. Over time, I’ve noticed how it has enhanced my mental clarity and concentration. I love how I can use the lights whenever I need to, and it’s been such a powerful tool in strengthening my mental game and improving my overall performance in golf.”


“It’s definitely been the best thing that has helped with my anxiety and just feeling more positive about myself and how I handle different aspects of my life.”

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